Sample company drawing

Picture of Jakobus Schuster

Jakobus Schuster

CEO | Co-Founder

What is a sample company drawing? When do I need it and how can it be certified online? In this article, we explain everything you need to know about the sample company drawing.

What is a sample company drawing?

A sample company signature (also called a specimen signature) is a handwritten signature given for comparison purposes. This specimen signature is deposited with the companies register. The specimen signature can then be viewed by the public. If you then receive a contract signed by hand, for example, this signature can be compared with the sample signature deposited with the companies register.

The purpose of the specimen signature is thus to be able to assign manual signatures to persons representing companies.

Who must submit a sample drawing?

The specimen signature must be submitted by persons acting for companies, i.e. representing them. These are:

  • Sole proprietors, if they are registered in the commercial register.
  • Shareholders:inside from Open societies and the general partner of a limited partnership
  • Managing director:inside
  • Prokurist:innen of a GmbH

Have a sample company drawing certified online

The sample drawing must be certified so that it can be submitted to the Company register can be deposited. This can also easily be done online at a partner notary's office of notarity. There are two options for the online certification of a sample drawing:

  • In the online appointment, the printed sample company drawing is signed by hand in front of the camera, then scanned and then signed with the party's electronic signature.
  • The sample company signature is already signed by hand and scanned in before the appointment. At the online notary appointment, the party then acknowledges that it is his or her hand signature and signs the document electronically.

Book an appointment now and have the sample drawing notarised today.

General information on the online authentication of signatures can be found at here.


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