Internationally valid

Certified translation

Our certified partner interpreters translate your documents in a certified manner. Fast, uncomplicated and completely digital.

Certified translation online

Have documents certified translated online now

You can have documents notarised via notarity. Fast, uncomplicated and completely digital. The documents are translated by certified interpreters and the translation is notarised. Thanks to our network of interpreters, almost all language combinations are possible. The costs depend on the length of the documents. Enquire now for a non-binding price.

Express apostille possible

We are happy to take care of obtaining an apostille on the notarised translated documents. With an apostille, the document can be used in many countries worldwide. Please indicate in the price enquiry if you require an apostille.

Overview of certified translations


The costs depend on the length of the documents you wish to have translated. You can request a non-binding quote for translation from our partner interpreters.


Documents required

All you need is the document you want to have translated.

Can be used worldwide

Notarised translations can be used in many countries around the world. If required, we will be happy to arrange an apostille.

Frequently asked questions

As a rule, certified translations are available 2-3 working days after you place your order. If you need it faster, please let us know and we will arrange an express translation.

In principle, the documents are signed electronically by the interpreter and are digital originals. On request (and for an additional charge), you can also receive a paper version.

Yes, this is possible for an additional charge. Documents with an apostille are always issued physically and sent by post.

Request a certified translation

Please use the form below to request a certified translation from our partner interpreters. The enquiry is non-binding. Based on the data you provide, you will receive a price offer, which you can then accept or reject.

Book appointment now